Philip Emeagwali - A Father of the Internet - Supercomputer Biography

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Genius in the Shadows: Biography of Philip Emeagwali.

Four thousand pages of Philip Emeagwali Lecture Transcripts

Philip Emeagwali Quotes

Gentlemen's Quarterly on Seven Living Geniuses.

Top 200 Lectures of Philip Emeagwali

TIME: The "Unsung Hero" Behind the Internet
"The Web owes much of its existence to Philip Emeagwali" - TIME magazine
"A father of the Internet" - CNN
"One of the great minds of the Information Age" - Bill Clinton (The White House)

Press Photo Release and Flickr Albums for Philip Emeagwali

Philip Emeagwali For School Reports
A Father of the Internet

Scientists on Postage Stamps
Fathers of the Computer on Postage Stamps
Mathematicians on Postage Stamps
Physicists on Postage Stamps
Black Inventors on Postage Stamps
Scientists on Currencies
Fathers of the Computer

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    Philip Emeagwali Essay Series
    200 essays from archive.

    Philip Emeagwali ranked between third to 18th in poll of Top 100 Greatest Geniuses That Ever Lived!

    An article on Top Ten Greatest Minds
    #10 � Philip Emeagwali
    #9 � Stephen Hawking
    #8 � Marie Curie
    #7 � William Shakespeare
    #6 � Galileo Galilei
    #5 � Albert Einstein
    #4 � Plato
    #3 � Nikola Tesla
    #2 � Isaac Newton
    #1 � Leonardo da Vinci

  • Philip Emeagwali Books
    1. Master of Machines
    2. Making Computers Fastest
    3. Exiled Genius
    4. Inventing the Fastest Computer
    5. The The Lion of Computing
    6. The Man Behind the Supercomputer
    7. Internet and I
    8. Inventing an Internet
    9. Three Spirits Meet
    10. A Melody of Minds
    11. Great Minds Meet
    12. Rhythms of Wisdom
    13. Whispers Across Millennia
    14. Dance of Doubt
    15. Dialogue of Data
    16. Dialogue of Dreams
    17. The Quotable Emeagwali
    18. The Lion of Computing (for kids)
    19. Master of Machines (for kids)
    Philip Emeagwali: 50 Years of Supercomputing!
    A 50-hour retrospective lecture series on his contributions to science (with 5,000-page podcast transcripts)
    1. I Changed the Way Mathematicians Solve Compute-Intensive Problems
    2. I Invented a New Internet That's a New Supercomputer
    3. The Nine Emeagwali Equations Are My Contributions to Mathematics
    4. Combining Computers to Create an Internet
    5. Inventing the World's Fastest Computer
    6. My World's Fastest Computing Across an Internet
    7. My Journey from a Refugee Camp to the World's Fastest Computing
    8. Inventing the First Supercomputer
    Meet The 13 Greatest Geniuses Of All Time!

    Philip Emeagwali ranked as:
    Smarter Than Einstein
    The Second Greatest Genius in Mathematics
    The Third Greatest Genius Alive
    The Top 15 Geniuses
    Emeagwali Ranked as Greatest Living Genius
    Voted "Father of the Modern Computer"
    Meet the Top Ten Greatest Computer Scientists
    Ranked First by Google as a Computer Genius
    99 Greatest Mathematicians Since Antiquity
    Philip Emeagwali Rankings
    1. Nine Refugees That Made a Difference
    2. Top Five Nigerian Role Models
    3. Seven Prominent Nigerians Living in USA
    4. Top 10 Igbo Legends
    5. Twenty Most Influential Nigerians
    6. Voted the Greatest Scientist of African Descent Ever
    7. Voted the 35th Greatest Person of African Descent (pdf, html)
    8. Top 70 Greatest Black Achievers.
    9. Eleven Wildly Successful People
    10. Top 65 African Icons That Ever Lived
    11. Famous Black People Who Changed the World

    Resources for School Reports on Philip Emeagwali
    First watch: Biography series and 100 video clips.

    For Kids: The Lion of Computing | Master of Machines | Timeline | Photos |

    For Teachers: Question Sheets | Answer Sheets | Homework | Philip Emeagwali Week | Philip Emeagwali's Box | Lectures |

    Emeagwali in American Exam Syllabi
    For his inventions and from elementary schools to Law School Admission Test (LSAT).
    Podcast of 200 Philip Emeagwali Lectures

    Philip Emeagwali Lecture Transcripts
    1. An African Mathematician and His Contributions to Mathematics
    2. My Contributions to the Modern Supercomputer
    3. My Contributions to the Parallel Processing Computers
    4. My Contributions to the Modern Supercomputer
    5. My Contributions to Large-Scale Algebra
    6. My Contributions to Large-Scale Algebra
    7. My Contributions to the Invention of the Fastest Computers
    8. My Contributions to the Modern Supercomputer
    9. How I Invented Supercomputer That is an Internet
    10. Why I Invented a New Internet
    11. How I Invented a New Internet
    12. How I Invented a New Supercomputer
    13. How I Invented a New Internet
    14. How I Solved the Toughest Problem in Physics
    15. My Contributions to Physics
    16. Philip Emeagwali Supercomputer
    17. Philip Emeagwali Internet
    18. How I Invented a New Internet
    19. Why I Invented a New Internet
    20. A Father of the Internet
    21. How I Invented the Fastest Supercomputer
    22. My Mathematical Contributions to Oil Recovery
    23. My Contributions to Large-Scale Algebra
    24. Father of the Internet
    25. My Contributions to the Modern Supercomputer
    26. My Contributions to the Modern Supercomputer
    27. A Black Mathematician Solves the Toughest Problem in Calculus
    28. My Contributions to Calculus
    29. Famous Mathematicians Today and their Contributions
    30. How I Solved the Hardest Problem in Calculus
    31. My Contributions to Large-Scale Algebra
    32. My Contributions to Extreme-Scale Algebra
    33. My Contributions to Large-Scale Algebra
    34. My Contributions to the Internet
    35. Famous Black Mathematians and Their Contributions
    36. How I Invented a New Supercomputer
    37. How I Invented a New Supercomputer
    38. Grazing Across the Centuries
    39. Biggest Advance Since Newton, Galileo (Part 1)
    40. Biggest Advance Since Newton, Galileo (Part 2)
    41. How I Invented a New Supercomputer
    42. My Contributions to the Modern Supercomputer
    43. What is Philip Emeagwali Famous For?
    44. Philip Emeagwali For Kids
    45. Biggest Advance Since Newton, Galileo (Part 1)
    46. Biggest Advance Since Newton, Galileo (Part 2)